Look forward to discovering ways to further enhance career happiness and achieve
improved work/life balance!
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Boost Your Career Confidence
Being Happy and Successful
Achieving Optimal Work-Life Balance
Lost Your Job? Don't Lose Your Mind!
Do What You Love and Love What You Do
Overview of Workshops
These workshops are aimed at helping participants enhance emotional skills and behaviors that can result in being more effective, successful and happier in one’s career life. Skills addressed in this category range from helping persons identify and clarify career goals / path; and reducing stress and unhappiness in one’s work life; to managing and becoming empowered around work / career related transitions (i.e. job loss, workplace restructuring, retirement, career change, etc.). Information and strategies provided are derived from research based findings of effective approaches. A dynamic format is utilized, which actively engage persons in self-exploration, as well as active and supportive interaction with others.